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Xinrui Zhang

Date and time: 29-07-2021

Track: Structural Engineering

Topic: A Homogenized Model for the Nonlinear Behaviour of Masonry Under In-plane Loading - A Homogenized Model for the Nonlinear Behaviour of Masonry Under In-plane Loading: A Material Model Based on Coupling of Tension, Shear and Compressive Splitting

Location: Microsoft Teams

Description: In my thesis, I focused on introducing the homogenized material models (micromechanical models) for running-stacked masonry. Throughout my journey in the thesis, I derived four material models to simulate 5 failure modes of masonry and verified my models’ accuracy by implementing them into MATLAB and Diana FEA. To describe the elastoplastic behaviours of bricks and mortars, I implemented the Eular-forward (explicit) algorithm with Drucker-Prager yield criteria to compute the plastic deformations.
