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Anthony Richardson

Date and time: 31 May 2022, 16:00

Track: Structural Engineering

Topic: Torsion motions of high-rise buildings due to wind loading

Location: Lecture room F

Description: A structural firm will not invest a large sum of money in early design fase on a wind tunnel aeroelastic model to determine the displacements, forces, and moments when the dimensions of a building have only been estimated because the outcomes are only valid for that specific model. It is well-known that the outcomes are hard to determine precisely in early design fase.

This study aims to make a modelling tool in Matlab to predict the bending and torsional oscillations of a high-rise building due to wind load fluctuations in time and space. To test the research question, which is, does the designed Juffertoren building in Rotterdam and the structurally strengthened student building Voorhof in Delft comply in the serviceability limit state when looking at bending and torsion accelerations in the along wind direction.
