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Graduates Wall of Fame

U-BASE members who will graduate soon or already have become an alumnus can be found on this Graduate Wall of Fame. This extensive list shows the diversity of research topics and may help upcoming graduation students to find inspiration.

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More information or the thesis document itself of U-BASE alumni can be found in the TU Delft Education Repository.

Date Name



14 February

Jasmijn van Riggelen Using a Variational Autoencoder-based strategy to enable Nonlinear Model Order Reduction in Computational Mechanics  

16 December

26 September

Tessel van Oers

Janneke Kortsmit

Automated Reclaimed Steel Integration: A Machine Learning application within the Structural Design Process

Impact of freeze-thaw cycles on wrapped composite joint durability

30 August Stefan Teeuwen Shear Capacity of concrete beams reinforced with BFRP stirrups
27 August Daan Smolders Surrogate modelling for uncertainty propagation by targeting regions of high variance and probability
19 August Abhinanda Napa Ravikumar Effects of Moisture Aging on the Mechanical Behaviour of Bio-based Composites: Adapting Glass Fiber Numerical Models to Flax Composites

17 July

Sneha Kasturi Rangan Assessment of system behaviour of prestressed concrete girder bridges using staggered 2D Non-Linear Finite Element Approach
9 July Lukas Huber  Investigation of Response Amplification and Dynamic Stability of a Hyperloop system
1 July Ewout Van der Heijden Investigating the shaping boundaries of flexible photovoltaics on doubly curved uncoated woven textile geometries
30 April Paolo Matricardi LCA of Passive Smart Windows
23 January Karthick Sasikumar Characterisation of Frictional Behaviour at Brick-Mortar Interface  
25 October Ivo Pronk Development of a re-mountable timber car park
29 September Rianne Teeuwen Circularity of existing aluminium unitised curtain wall facades
14 July Satvik Pratap Singh Assessing the effect of reclaimed asphalt pavement on the fatigue and healing of flexible pavement materials
4 July Anders Jørgensen An Analytical Model to Determine the Bearing Capacity of Existing Steel-Concrete-Composite Bridges Without Mechanical Connectors
26 June Thorvaldur Kari Vilhjalmsson A Methodology for Damage Detection Using Unsupervised Learning in the Field of Structural Health Monitoring: Based on Gaussian Mixture Modeling
21 June Dennis Slockers Steel fibre reinforced underwater concrete floors - A probabilistic finite element approach
26 May Bojan Bogojević Assessment of turnout crossing degradation
10 February Peter Manos Seismic and stability analysis of component-based extraterrestrial vaults
30 January Stephanie Ramos Shear characterisation of a novel woven solar cell integrated textile for tensile structures application
25 January Guy Janssen Towards a more nature-inclusive and climate resilient built environment
20 December Clement Waltener Ultimate limit states performance study of a novel wrapped composite joint geometry
14 December Joep Knuppe Robustness of Modular Timber Buildings
30 November Firas Sameh Al-Share The Effect of Admixtures on the Buildability of 3D Printed Alkali-Activated Materials with Glass Wool
15 August Jose Eduardo Paredes Structural performance of geopolymer concrete: Shear and flexural behavior of a prestressed girder with cast in-situ topping under short-term loading
20 July Judith Kavelaars The jetty of the future: Reducing the environmental impact of a jetty platform structure by designing for reusability
30 June Romée van Es Dynamics of a timber footbridge
23 June Arend-Jan de Nooijer Experimental and numerical analysis of a silica gel packed bed for passive humidity control in museum rooms
31 May Anthony Richardson Torsion motions of high-rise buildings due to wind loading
28 April Hugo van Looveren Timber and Steel Railway Bridge Design
25 April Raymond Brouwers Structural monitoring of a church influenced by mining settlements using spaceborne remote sensing
13 April Emily van Helmond Timber as a competitive structural building material in the Netherlands
30 March Wouter Lasonder Design of a structural glass pavilion
24 March Shirley Feng The structural design of earthen structures with robotic shotearth fabrication
09 March Laura Āboltiņa Modelling fatigue crack propagation in coped beams using XFEM
24 February Krishna Ajithkumar Pillai Integrating Machine Learning and Computational Physics to Assess Crack Pattern Similarity in Masonry Buildings
25 January Paul Mako Impact of the Stiffness Characteristics of Wrapped Composite Joints on Eigenfrequencies of Wind Turbine Jacket Support Structures
17 December Yat Long Liu Visualisation of the airflow pattern of exhaled droplets in a classroom
26 November Cristina Román Factory in a Digital Model
2 November Joris Welles Advancing thin-tile vaults: structural analysis & robotic construction
22 October Tim van Driel Investigations on the Cold Bending Behaviour of a Double Glazing Unit with a Rigid Edge-Spacer Frame
8 October Daniela Tavera Diaz Validation of a Newly Proposed Global Factor Method Applied in the Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures Modelled by NLFEA
30 August Pallavi Palla Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Geo-sciences
27 August Rozemarijn Veenstra Tubular Glass Columns
27 August Nout Barentsen The Timber Skeleton
11 August Mehmet Kisa Structural Window Frame
29 July Xinrui Zhang A Homogenized Model for the Nonlinear Behaviour of Masonry Under In-plane Loading
28 July Yotrisno Lang Influence of Numerical Size Effect in Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis
20 July Vincent Huigen Monopile foundation modeling in the frequency domain for Offshore Wind Turbines
19 July Bente Kamp Assessment of the Reuse Potential of Existing Concrete
5 July Berber Renckens Non-linear buckling behaviour of GFRP plates
2 July Daan Koopman The Topology Optimised Glass Bridge
17 June Thijs van Gelderen Truss topology optimization with reused steel elements
16 June Joris de Gaaij Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of timber high-rise
18 May Amarins Kroes Reducing the environmental impact of distribution centres
26 March Maria Felicita Timber High-Rise Buildings
12 March Aukje Aarts The wind-induced dynamic load on high-rise structures by the use of CFD
26 February Jesse Jongenotter Parametric comparison of stability systems
22 February Joep Storm High-dimensional numerical optimization of fiber-reinforced polymers with variational autoencoders and Bayesian optimization
12 February Matthew Church Investigation of Isostatic Slabs in Timber
25 January Rick Voortman The historic quay walls of Amsterdam: A study to hidden structural capacity of masonry work quay walls, under the condition of a partly failing foundation.
22 January Kamal Laghmouch Reliability updating of quay walls based on the effects of past performance
22 January Lazlo Bleker Hybrid truss layout optimization for generating multiple design alternatives
21 January Lee Theres Mathew Energy Implications of Vertically Integrated Greenhouses on Office Buildings
14 January Jaap-Willem Boersma The Circular Concrete Viaduct: Development of a Concept Demountable Footing to Foundation (F2F) Dowel Connection for the Application in Multiple Life-Cycles
30 November Siddhesh Rajadhyaksha Improved Constitutive Model for Mesoscale Modelling of Unidirectional Composites
11 November Tessa Lievestro Living trees as structural elements for vertical forest engineering
26 October Wouter van Wijnen Sustainable timber structures - Quantitative research evaluating the potential effects of carbon sequestration and cascading strategies in the Netherlands based on a comparison of the Dutch and European life cycle assessment methodologies
16 October Maria de Vries Robbé Structural dynamic response of the Glass Truss Bridge
16 October José Abad Design, analysis, and Application of Innovative Connections for Optimized Steel Trusses
15 October Jan Swinnen Modeling the mechanical performance of bolted deck-to-girder connections in FRP-steel hybrid bridges
15 October Marie-Louise Greijmans Vibration-based damage detection of the Haringvlietbrug: A data-driven approach.

27 August

Trevor Spannenburg Timber Creep of Historic Urban Quay Walls
14 August Geert Hoogerwaard Structural glass and sustainability
23 July Maureen Klomp The hybrid interaction of timber decks in movable bridges
2 July Geerte Kotteman Steel 3D printing for structures - An explorative study on the tear-out strength of a pin or bolt in a Wire and Arc Additively Manufactured carbon steel plate
30 June Jose Galan Fatigue Behavior of Additive-Manufactured Stainless Steel
29 June Michelle Sonneveld

Sensitivities and prerequisites of the application of the Energy Flux Analysis to high-rise structures excited by wind using in situ measurements

16 June Lisa Swaalf Reliability analysis of Submerged Floating Tunnels
14 May Jeroen van Wessem Horizontal deformation of the High Speed Rail track
6 May Wouter Gerritsen Optimizing the concrete load-bearing structure of high-rise buildings
29 April Jochem van Bokhorst Early-age cracking of concrete: A study into the influence of stress relaxation on early-age cracking of concrete structures under imposed deformations
13 March Stephan Backx Structural sustainability in the early design phase
14 February Willen van Dommelen Moving load on guide works during a brush collision with a vessel
20 December Cindy Lei Structural Cast Glass-Ceramic Components
19 December Mohit Soni Two-way bending behaviour of unreinforced masonry walls subjected to out-of-plane loading employing numerical analysis
12 December Knut Tjensvoll Optimizing the Reduced Basis Construction for Reduced-Order Mechanical Models
29 November Andrew Sugianto Evaluating strut-and-tie models of concrete elements by nonlinear finite element analysis
29 November Katinka Verleg The Structural Behaviour of Bundled Glass Columns
25 November Anshuman Tiwari Engineering Model for Shear Crack Width and Shear Deflection in Slender Reinforced Concrete Beams
21 November M.H.M. Odijk Industrial floors: Research on the stress behaviour
2 October Gerwin Schut Practical Engineering Design Tool for Vibration Sensitive Laboratory Building Structures
27 September Leah Dierker Viik StructuralComponents 6: An early-stage design tool for flexible topologies of mid-rise concrete buildings
18 September Anouk Loman Performance of structural glass at elevated temperatures
30 Augustus Brigitte Danks Sequentially linear analysis (SLA) is an alternative finite element method to nonlinear finite element analysis (NLFEA)
19 August Geovanny Argudo Sanchez Generation and evaluation of truss structures based on the results of topology optimization for deep concrete beams
16 August Xuzhen Chai Probabilistic system identification and reliability updating for hydraulic structures - Application to sheet pile walls
14 August Rubin Spittka Passive design guidelines for Philippine housing based on the Bahay Kubo. Thermal comfort analyses and explorative design of Philippine vernacular design strategies for low-lying, sub-urban and rural, low-income housing
24 July Stefan van Erp Techno-economic feasibility of Hydropower at weir complex Driel with assessment method for low head run of river powerplants
19 July Ravi Shanker Gupta Prediction of fatigue crack propagation in orthotropic steel deck using XFEM based on LEFM and VCCT
18 July Igor Pecanac Structural parametric design for variant studies in the preliminary design phase
17 July Davide La Zara Dynamic fluid-vehicle-structure-interaction analysis for submerged floating tunnels: a comfort assessment
12 July Djonno Bresser Mimicking rotational cracking within sequentially linear analysis using a sublayer model
10 July Gerhard Olivier Fire performance of cross-laminated timber
10 July Pieter Woudenberg The current state of the Grote of St. Bavo church in Haarlem, the Netherlands
5 July Stef Lambregts Implementation of a ply inclination in the Classical Laminate Theory
3 July Dirk Braak Concrete Hyperloop
2 July Arthur de Groot Structural window design for in-plane seismic strengthening
1 July Twan Boelders Building larger bridge spans in prefabricated concrete
28 June Konstantinos Roupakas Fatigue behaviour of resin and steel-reinforced resin used in IBC's
17 June Petra Beld Graduation from Steel and Timber Department
13 June Lise Jansen Structural damage to Dutch terraced houses due to flood actions
3 June George Misios Effect of flange waviness on the C1 wedge connection    
29 May Erki Reinsalu Modularization of Orthotropic Steel Deck Bridges, New Type of Connection Development    
28 May Coen Hulsebosch Skewed slab highway bridges
27 May Maarten Meek The implementation of alkaline activated concrete in jointless ground floors
10 May Joris van Maastrigt Quantifying Life Cycle Environmental Benefits of Circular Steel Building Designs
7 May Alex van Tilburg Shape optimisation of a second skin
25 April Kevin Frederik Probabilistic analysis of site-specific traffic loads on the Galecopper bridge
8 March Daniel Rikeros Fatigue assessment of rail track detail in movable bridge in Estonia based on 2D/3D Finite Element Modelling using hot-spot stresses
1 March Thijmen Jaspers Focks Shear capacity of the console of a CRC landing platform without stirrups
28 February Rainier Moraal 3D non-linear finite element modelling of an onshore wind turbine foundation
22 February Thomas Aelen Durability and performance of South African recycled granulates in unbound (sub)base pavement layers
22 February Pieter Slingerland Conceptual development of a wedge connection for offshore jacket foundations
22 February Niels Helmer A study on the intralayer shear strength of melt extrusion additively manufactured polymers and its relevance for the design of structural elements
22 February Falko Noortman The applicability of the non-linear pushover method for assessing the seismic capacity of unreinforced masonry structures
21 February Niels van Bergenhenegouwen Constructing The Green Connection with and without the use of an intermediate support
18 February Marina Guidi Thin glass cold-bent sandwich panel
13 February Valentijn van den Bosch Dynamic Substructuring for efficient vibrational studies in Buildings
08 February Laura van Glabbeek Graduation from Steel and Timber Department
25 January Elke Vicca Instability of a high-speed vehicle moving through a tunnel embedded in a visco-elastic half-plane – The Hyperloop case
25 January Olga Bushunova The behaviour of composite deep deck ComFlor210 under concentrated load
7 January Jeroen van Unen The energy and comfort performance of a lightweight translucent adaptable Trombe in different buildings and climates
20 December Christopher Kevinly Application of coda-wave interferometry on concrete structures by utilizing smart aggregates
14 December Rayaan Ajouz A computational approach of designing cost-effective steel trusses with welded- connections
30 November Srinidhi Bindiganavile Ramadas A Hyperbolic model for degradation in tension mode-I fracture of masonry - Implementation and validation in Engineering Masonry Model
23 November T. Xu Modelling the seismic response of a two-storey calcium silicate brick masonry structure with nonlinear pushover and time-history analyses
21 November Y. Sun Investigation on the potential application of MSWI bottom ash as substitute material in Portland cement concrete
14 November N. Hofstee Data-driven Design in sustainability: development of prototype application to support the conceptual design phase
29 October M. de Poli Fire dynamics and spalling mechanism in tunnel infrastructures
23 October X. Chen Finite element modelling of ASR affected structures based on realistic pre-damage
19 October Christian Gerald Daniel Failure performance of synthetic fibre-reinforced warm-mix asphalt
10 October Socio Jiwapatria Application of active control system on the seismic response to unreinforced masonry structure
21 September Suman Bhattarai Computational Modelling of Auxetic Materials and Structures
18 September F.A. Csillag Demountable deck-to-girder connection of FRP-steel hybrid bridges  
14 September Elgar Slooten Feasibility study of a hybrid wood-concrete
super tall building and optimization of its wind-induced behaviour
31 August Marloes van der Zanden Assessment of the seismic performance and sustainability of the Kath-Kuni building style in the Indian Himalaya
28 August Marco van Arragon Experimental verification of calculation methods for hollow core section fin-plate joints with varying strength grades
31 July Naomi Schlösser hin Glass as Cold Bent Laminated Panels in Architectural Applications
29 June Pascal Martens Optimising 3D printed concrete structures
22 June Cynthia Meiring Validation of Sequentially Linear Analysis by simulating structural behaviour of masonry components
8 June Robbie van Leeuwen A multiphysics numerical framework for epoxy resins
1 June Carla Smulders Improvement and analysis of the 3D embedded beam element with explicit interaction surface in Plaxis 3D for laterally loaded piles
31 May Matteo Ravasio Seismic inversion for estimating damping for offshore wind turbines  
30 May Willem Cijsouw A continuous superstructure for Sogne fjord bridge
17 April Babette Hohrath StructuralComponents 5.0: Super element based tool for early design collaboration applied to mid-rise buildings
5 April Gerran Lankhorst Sustainable structural design of high-rise: Life-cycle assessment of main load bearing structures of high-rise buildings in the Netherlands
21 February Edward Fransen Towards the Automation of Preliminary Bridge Designs with Parametric Design Software
2 February Lisanne Castelein Circulair contracteren in de Bouwsector
2 February Jim Zwartveld Structural vibrations induced by pile driving
12 January Cristrina Mestre Rodriguez The thickness effect in adhesive bonded joints
20 December Geoffrey van Bolderen Buckling behaviour of 3D-printed steel tubular columns
9 November Okke Willebrands Differential vertical shortening in timber-concrete high-rise structures
30 October Bettine Gommer Resistance in Helmholtz Resonators: Exploring the potential of sound absorption created by additive manufacturing
27 October Tessa Ruseler A Structural Concept for Free-Form Timber Structures
25 October Silke Prinsse Alkali-activated concrete: development of strength and stiffness in time
14 October Marius Hendriks Local Hydroelectric Energy Storage: A feasibility study about a small scale energy storage system combining hydropower, gravity power, spring power and air pressure
13 October Michou Mureau Thin Glass, A Concept Study to the Applicability in Greenhouse Coverings
6 September Corné Hagen Developments in reinforced glass beams: Using post-tensioned GFRP strips, fibreglass fabric and sequential linear analysis
6 September Lennart Wiltjer Design and optimisation of a structurally separated roof structure for event venues
4 September Cecilia Braendstrup Conceptual design of a demountable, reusable composite flooring system: Structural behaviour and environmental advantages
1 September Vivian Deursen Long-term creep behavior of CFRP in actively bent grid shells
20 July Maria Rosales Seismic analysis of monopile-based offshore wind turbines including aero-elasticity and soil-structure interaction
7 July Charlotte Roghair Self-healing strain hardening concrete: Demonstrator Bridge TU Delft
7 July Edwin Swierstra Fatigue assessment in finite element analysis: A post-processor to FEA output for hot spot stress calculation
5 July Renato Granata Displacement-based verification of unreinforced masonry walls acting out-of-plane within a structural system
27 June Arsha Shiri Spectral Analysis of Heat Flow in U-tube and Coaxial Shallow Geothermal Systems
21 June Hugo Egeraat Calculation Methods for Steel Joints: Comparative Study of European Design Regulations and Partial Finite Element Analyses
20 June Mirthe Haarman Noise reduction for offshore pile-driving of monopiles
30 May Axel Koper Assessment of Epoxy Resins for Injected Bolted Shear Connections
11 May Ashwin Ganesh Kumar Impact on Seismic Capacity of Unreinforced Masonry Houses- by varying the Geometrical Parameters of Terraced House
22 March Apostolos Bougioukos Effects of strength hardening, stiffness degradation, strength deterioration and pinching on the seismic response of SDoF systems
24 February Tom de Ruiter Residual stress development in a repaired welded connection
6 February Richard Gijzen Modular cross-laminated timber buildings
2 February Patrick Erp Horizontal Shear Resistance of ComFlor 210
2 February Teun Kruip Embraced by the Sun: A depression clinic, where clients experience the beneficial effects of daylight
31 January Mike Aurik Structural Aspects of an Arched Glass Masonry Bridge
18 January Aivaras Aukselis Homogeneous Orthotropic Masonry Material Model: Research, development and implementation for explicit analysis
15 December Tudor Mihai Brata Fatigue model for prestressed concrete decks
14 December Marianthi Sousamli Dynamic Analysis of Slender Footbridges Due to Human-Induced Vibrations
8 December Paul Korswagen Structural Damage to Masonry Housing due to Earthquake-Flood Multi-Hazards
31 October Jort Winkel Large diameter dolphin piles: The effect of the inner soil on their local buckling resistance
21 October Pawel Baran Methodology and Tools for Testing, Numerical Analysis and Design of the 3D Printed Moulds
12 August Sietse Witterholt The application of double-curved precast concrete elements for the project Green Planet
8 July Sander Lamping Multidisciplinary design optimisation as strategy for building design
28 June Alkistis Krousti Glass Folded Plates: A deployable roof system
17 June Jonathan Siccama An experimental research into the creep behavior of glass fiber reinforced polyester: Research towards the long-term viscoelastic behavior of GFRP
6 June Evangelos Goulas Design of Double-Curvature Arch Dams in Terms of Geometric and Stress Constraints by Using Script-Based Finite Element Modelling
12 May Elisavet Felekou Structural Glass in High-Rise Buildings
20 April Simone Dijkhuis Fatigue and Healing of Asphalt Mortar
30 September Carlos Chang Lara The Passive Display Case
10 July Pepijn Zantvliet The Passive Display Case
1 July Sara Dijk The dynamic behavior of floors in high-rise buildings and their contribution to damping - an analytical model
29 June Wilco van der Mersch Modelling the seismic response of an unreinforced masonry structure
12 June Wojtek Pruszkowski Steel Grid Shells Stress-Based Sizing Optimisation
21 May Tim Beelen Preliminary design of a modular and flexible structure of a new-built multi-functional stadium
1 May Bart van Casteren Feasibility of prefabricated concrete elements for underpasses - Watertight connection & structural safety
24 April Roy Crielaard Self-extinguishment of cross-Laminated timber
24 April Mathijs Vermond The influence of the structural possibilities on the transition point between demolition and transformation of multi-story concrete office building structures
27 February Guido Slobbe Optimisation of Reinforced Concrete Structures
12 December Zinzi Reimert Human-induced vibrations on footbridges: A probability-based approach of the vibration serviceability of footbridges under vertical pedestrian loading
27 November Paul Berendsen Application of Ultra High Performace Fibre Reinforced Concrete in the Building Engineering
24 October Giuseppe Izzo Sea-fastening of Wind Turbine Generators for assembled tower Transportation and Installation
29 August Joost Hartmann Feasibility study of Air Traffic Control Towers around the globe
27 August Dijeannio Hobson Fibre Reinforced Profiled Mortar Joints for Precast Concrete Structures
19 August Kamakshi Parwani Quantifying the impact of loads on connections between segments of an immersed tunnel
29 July Joris Moen Feasibility study on heavy-traffic fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) bascule bridges
21 April Colin Weelden The structural feasibility of timber wind turbines in the Netherlands
25 March Ferdinand van den Brink Influence of liquefaction on scour around offshore monopile foundations
7 February Joannes Visser The Value of Perception: An Analysis of Port of Rotterdam's Social Valuation Approach From a Stakeholder Point of View
15 January Steven Eck Solar updraft tower - structural optimisation under dynamic wind action
