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Honorary members

Even though U-BASE officially started in 2015, the history of our predecessors goes back for decades. Over the course of years, multiple people in and around the faculty have helped U-BASE or our predecessors in all kinds of ways, for which we are very thankful. Based on their contributions in the present or the past, the following people have been promoted to Honorary Member of U-BASE:

  • Ing. A.P. (Arnold) van der Marel
  • Dr. ir. C. (Cor) van der Veen
  • Prof. dr. ir. J.C. (Joost) Walraven
  • Prof. dipl.-ing. J.N.J.A. (Jan) Vamberský
  • Prof. dr. ir. D.A. (Dick) Hordijk
  • R. (Rob) Nijsse
  • H.R. (Roel) Schipper

Member of Merit:

  • J.M. (Marjo) van der Schaaf
  • J.H. (Anneke) Meijer
